Dimension (l x w x h) : 70 x 70 x 50 cm
Gross Weight : 50 kg
ASTM D-1556 AASHTO T-191

For determining the density of compacted soil in place.
RS-401 Sand Cone Bottle Plastic, 4 ltr cap. approx. 1 Pc
RS-402 Sand Cone Funnel Seamless metal, turning stoper, 6 1/2″ dia. bottom, 1/2″ neck dia. 1 Pc
RS-403 Base Plate Cast alumunium, 12″ x 12″ 1 Pc
RS-404 Graduated Sand Uncemented sand, passing # 10, retained # 60, 25 kg capacity 1 Zak
RG-380 Sample Can Round can, tinned metal 6 Pcs
RG-801 Round Scoop Cast alumunium 1 Pc
RG-861 Spoon Stainless steel 1 Pc
RG-871 Trowel Pointed type 1 Pc
RG-880 Chisel Hardened type 1 Pc
RG-900 Rubber Mallet Wooden handle 1 Pc

Also required,

but not part of this set:

RS-450 Moisture Content Test Set

RG-157 Heavy Duty Solution Balance

RG-396 Glass Plate

cara menghitung kadar air
daftar harga pipa stainless steel
harga cone
harga direct test
harga hb meter digital
harga kon jalan raya
harga mesin panen padi indo combine harvester
harga pipa stainless
harga pipa stainless steel
harga sand cone test set
jual alat lab beton
jual alat sand cone test set
jual alat sondir 10 ton
jual cone
jual density meter
jual plat baja d2
jual sand cone test set
jual sondir 2.5 ton
kadar air tanah
pasir ottawa
pengujian sand cone
plastic cone untuk bekisting
rumus cone
sand cone
sand cone test
sand cone test equipment
sni sand cone
speedy test
tes cbr
tes sondir dan boring
tes spidi
test cbr lapangan
test cbr tanah
test sand cone
toko alat teknik di solo
uji sand cone

Di Banda-Aceh-langsa-Lhokseumawe-Meulaboh-Sabang-Subulussalam-Denpasar-Pangkalpinang-Cilegon-Serang-Tangerang-Bengkulu-Gorontalo-Kota-Jakarta-Pus-Sungai-Penuh-Jambi-Bandung-Bekasi-Bogor-Cimahi-Cirebon-Depok-Sukabumi-Tasikmalaya-Banjar-Magelang-Pekalongan-Purwokerto-Salatiga-Semarang-Surakarta-Tegal-Batu-Blitar-Kediri-Madiun-Malang-Mojokerto-Pasuruan-Probolinggo-Surabaya-Pontianak-Singkawang-Banjarbaru-Banjarmasin-Palangkaraya-Balikpapan-Bontang-Samarinda-Tarakan-Batam-Tanjungpinang-Bandar lampung-Kotabumi-Liwa-Metro-Ternate-Tidore-Kepulauan-Ambon-Tual-Bima-Mataram-Kupang-Sorong-Jayapura-Dumai-Pekanbaru-Makassar-Palopo-Parepare-Pau-Bau-Bau-Kendari-Bitung-Kotamobagu-Manado-Tomohon-Bukittinggi-Padang-Padangpanjang-Pariaman-Payakumbuh-Sawahlunto-Solok-Lubuklinggau-Pagaralam-Palembang-Prabumulih-Binjai-Medan-Sidempuan-Pematangsiantar-Sibolga-Tanjungbalai-Tebingtinggi-Yogyakarta-Garut-Indramayu-Klaten-Cianjur-Subang-Banten-Riau-Maluku-Nusa tenggara barat-Nusa tenggara timur-Papua-Gianyar-Tarakan-Malinau