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Specification :
Steel frame. 6 ” force gauge dia ( Calibrated) Electric operated hydraulic pump
Electric Concrete Compression Machine 500 kN cap, 0.5 kN readability
Electric Concrete Compression Machine 1000 kN cap, 10 kN readability
Electric Concrete Compression Machine 1500 kN cap, 10 kN readability
Electric Concrete Compression Machine 2000 kN cap, 10 kN readability
Electric Concrete Compression Machine 3000 kN cap, 10 kN readability
General Standard: Frame Heavy duty welded steel construct on 10 cm thick
Hydroulic Pump : Electric, 220 V AC, 50-60 Hz, 1000 Wat, 1 Phase Single Action, Variable Speed 6.000 Ml Reservoir Cap Max Working Preasure 50.000 Kpa. Single Action, Gravity Return.
Force Gauge : Bourdon Tube Manometer, 280 Mm Dial Dia Withd Max Load Pointer. Steel Box Housing, Calibrated KAN
Dimenssion : 800 X 800 X 1200 Mm
Weight : 500 Kg
Heavy duty welded steel cylinder. hard dlromed piston 30 mm claIlleter. F«3000 kN
type using 250 mmdia. piston.
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