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This digital concrete test hammer, microprocessor operated, entirely designed and manufactured by Matest with advanced technology, performs basic concrete testing with continuous automatic recording of all parameters in accordance with EN 12504-2 Specifications, register and process data and then transfer them to a PC The unit consists of the standard mechanical model C380, but equipped with an electronic transducer that measures the rebound values and supplies automatically the results on a graphic display.
During test performing:
- Shows index value
- Shows average index value
- Allows to select measuring system in MpA or Psi
- Shows numbers of performed rebounds
- Shows date and time
- Identifies tested element
- Identifies automatically and shows rebound angle
- Shows battery life
Main features: - Possibility to store, display on graphic LCD 64x124 and download data to PC over 20000 tests
- Automatic statistical processing and readings
- Automatic conversion of rebound index to equivalent compression strength in psi, N/mm2, kg/cm2
- High accuracy and resolution
Technical specifications: - Impact energy: 2,207 Joule (Nm)
- Measuring range: 10 – 120 N/mm2
- Interface: RS232
- Power source: 6 rechargeable batteries AA NiMh 2000mA
- Battery life: 60 hours with automatic shut down
- Operating temperature: -10°C +60°C
Supplied complete with data transfer software, data transfer cable RS232, battery charger, abrasive stone, carrying case
Dimensions with case: 330x180x120 mm
Weight: 3 kg
The digital Matest test hammer is suitable to be connected to the Ultrasonic Tester “high performance” mod. C372N for “combined ultrasonic and rebound tests with automatic data acquisition, processing and store of the results”
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