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Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate Test Set
Dimension (l x w x h) : 85 x 50 x 130 cm
Gross Weight : 60 kg
For determining specific gravity and water absorption of coarse aggregate.
RA-825 Dunagan Balance
Consist of :
RA-826.1 Mounting Table Welded steel table, elevated container support. 1 Set
RA-826.2 Water Container Galvanized container, 20 ltr capacity. 1 Pc
RG-157 Heavy Duty Solution Balance 20 kg capacity, 1 gr sensitivity supplied complete with weights. 1 Set
RA-822 Sample Basket # 8 mesh, 200 mm dia., 200 mm height. 1 Pc
Also required,
but not part of this set :
RA-105 Sample Splitter
RG-174 Drying Oven
RG-303 Square Pan
RG-750 Quartering Canvas
RG-801 Scoop
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