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Compaction Test Set |
Compaction Test Set
Dimension (l x w x h) : 62 x 62 x 40 cm
Gross Weight : 120 kg
ASTM D-698 / D-1557 AASHTO T-99 / T-180
For determining moisture – dnesity relationship.
RS-351 Standard Proctor Mold Machined steel, galvanized, 4″ i.d., 4.584″ height, 2″ height of collar 1 Pc
RS-352 Standard Proctor Mold Machined steel, galvanized, 6″ i.d., 4.584″ height, 2″ height of collar 1 Pc
RS-353 Standard Proctor Hammer Machined steel, galvanized, 2″ i.d., 12″ drop height, 5,5 lbs weight 1 Pc
RS-354 Standard Proctor Hammer Machined steel, galvanized, 2″ i.d., 18″ drop height, 10 lbs weight 1 Pc
RS-355 Extruder Steel frame, hydraulic jack 1 Set
RG-303 Square Pan Galvanized steel, l 65 x 65 x 7.5 cm 1 Pc
RG-390 Thin Box Alumunium, 60 gr capacity 12 Pcs
RG-405A Graduated Cylinder Plastic, 1.000 ml capacity 1 Pc
RG-801 Scoop Cast Alumunium 1 Pc
RG-871 Trowel Pointed type 1 Pc
RG-890 Straight Edge 30 cm length 1 Pc
RG-900 Rubber Mallet Wooden handle 1 Pc
RG-920 Steel Wiire Brush Wooden handle 1 Pc
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