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Aggregate Impact Test
Dimension (l x w x h) : 50 x 30 x 90 cm
Gross Weight : 80 kg
For determining the aggregate impact value and resistance of aggregate to sudden shock or impact.
RA-751 Impact Machine Heavy duty construction, safety locking bar, built in counter 1 Set
RA-752 Cylindrical Measure Machine steel, 75 mm dia., 50 mm deep. 1 Pc
RA-753 Tamping Rod Galvanized steel, 3/8″ dia., 8″ length 2 Pcs
Also required, but not part of this set : RA-212A Sieve 1/2″
RA-214A Sieve 3/8″
RA-222A Sieve No. 8
RA-250 Pan & Cover
RG-152 Triple Beam Balance
RG-174 Oven
RG-363 Mixing Bowl
RG-922 Soft Brush
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