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Specification :
For determining the water absorption of fine aggregate at saturated surface dry Cone and Tamper Consist of:
Cone brass, 40mm i.d at the top 90mm i.d at the bottom 75mm height 1 pc
Tamper machined steel, galvanized 340 gr weight, 25mm dia 1 pc
Glass plate 10mm thick, 30×30 cm 1 pcs – Mixing bowl stainless steel 25 cm dia 1 pc
Mixing Bowl steeinless steel 25 cm dia 1 pc
Volumetric flask 500 ml capacity 1 pc
Scaper plastic handle 1 pc
Dimensions ( l x w x h ) : 40 x 40 x 40 cm..
specific gravity and absorption of fine aggregate
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absorbent concrete
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Di Banda-Aceh-langsa-Lhokseumawe-Meulaboh-Sabang-Subulussalam-Denpasar-Pangkalpinang-Cilegon-Serang-Tangerang-Bengkulu-Gorontalo-Kota-Jakarta-Pus-Sungai-Penuh-Jambi-Bandung-Bekasi-Bogor-Cimahi-Cirebon-Depok-Sukabumi-Tasikmalaya-Banjar-Magelang-Pekalongan-Purwokerto-Salatiga-Semarang-Surakarta-Tegal-Batu-Blitar-Kediri-Madiun-Malang-Mojokerto-Pasuruan-Probolinggo-Surabaya-Pontianak-Singkawang-Banjarbaru-Banjarmasin-Palangkaraya-Balikpapan-Bontang-Samarinda-Tarakan-Batam-Tanjungpinang-Bandar lampung-Kotabumi-Liwa-Metro-Ternate-Tidore-Kepulauan-Ambon-Tual-Bima-Mataram-Kupang-Sorong-Jayapura-Dumai-Pekanbaru-Makassar-Palopo-Parepare-Pau-Bau-Bau-Kendari-Bitung-Kotamobagu-Manado-Tomohon-Bukittinggi-Padang-Padangpanjang-Pariaman-Payakumbuh-Sawahlunto-Solok-Lubuklinggau-Pagaralam-Palembang-Prabumulih-Binjai-Medan-Sidempuan-Pematangsiantar-Sibolga-Tanjungbalai-Tebingtinggi-Yogyakarta-Garut-Indramayu-Klaten-Cianjur-Subang-Banten-Riau-Maluku-Nusa tenggara barat-Nusa tenggara timur-Papua-Gianyar-Tarakan-Malinau